Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Misconception about Primerica

There are a lot of Primerica haters out there. Either they hate the products or they hate the business model(recruiting techniques/initial payment). This post will highlight the services part of the business.(The business model will come in part 2 soon)

The Products/Services

Does Primerica promote the right concepts. Yes. Buy Term and Invest the Difference is a must for 100% of the time. You must have a stable retirement fund via 401k, IRA's, Investments if you want to have a comfortable retirement. You should go after the higher rate of return instead of the low rate of return that banks offer if you want to build your wealth. Consolidating your debt is a better choice than not. ARM loans and Interest Only are the worst decision a home buyer can make. They tell you not to have an aggressive portfolio to reduce the risk.

But Does Primerica sell the best products in the that market? No. They do not have the cheapest term insurance. They do not have the least-loaded mutual funds. Their Smart Loan isn't the best alternative. And that is mainly why people hate Primerica's services. Because they are not the best. Primerica does not say they have the cheapest alternative for the client. Primerica just tells the client "if we can provide something that is better than what you are currently doing will you be interested?". They never say "if we can provide you with the cheapest and best there is, are you interested?".

People tend to forget Primerica is a MARKETING company. Plain and simple. They have to MARKET the products and services of the companies they contract with(Van Kaampen, Legg Mason, Primerica Life Ins). That DOES NOT MEAN they market the best and cheapest products for their clients. They just have to market the products that their contracted to market, like any marketing firm does, and market them like they are the best so people will buy them and the company and its contracted clients will survive.

However, it is Primerica's mission not to promote the services that are bad alternatives for consumers, such as Cash Value Insurance, ARM loans, and Interest Only Loans. Primerica does not even sell these and never will.

So if you are hating on Primerica because they market their products as the best then you have to really look at everything around you and start complaining and get on the wambulance (, if you have no idea what I mean)

For example, Nike portrays their running shoes as the best. Are the the best? Obviously not. If you actually bought a pair of them, you'll know. They break pretty easily and do not provide the comfort needed to run. But they charge $100+ for these shoes. Sneakers cost maybe $5 to make. Furthermore, other alternatives have better running shoes for cheaper. So why does Nike portray them as the best? Obviously so people will buy their shoes. If they started telling people they are not the best, their shoes won't sell. So Nike is lying to you! Go complain Nike is a scam if you think Primerica is a scam.

You must hate on your car. Your car is probably does not have the best value/performance + comfort + reliabilty. You must hate on your cell phone company because it is not the best value for what you get. You must hate on your sunglasses and your shirts and your socks ETC. ETC. ETC.

You only got these products because one someone referred you to it, you saw a commercial and got convinced, or you haven't tried anything else to know the difference.
Getting back to my point. Primerica is only doing what Primerica should be doing, which is marketing their products like they are the best. That's what any good marketing company / campaign should do if they want their clients and themselves to stay in business and be happy.

You think the company that does ads for Nike put in their Nike commercials that Nike isn't the best running shoe. No. Because they need to get paid and do what their contract tells them to do, which is promote Nike is the Best.

To summarize the point of this post, Primerica is a marketing company that markets the services that they are contracted to. It would be awesome if they did have the best and cheapest services, but who does? The answer is no one.

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